Stop the femicide

War zone trauma surgeon says Mahsa Amini appears to have suffered severe head trauma. Dr. Nassima al Amouri says patient had no relevant previous condition.

Can only feminists stop femicide? asks Women NGO.

Tears for Mahsa Amini are not enough. There must be accountability for her murder and the perps brought to trial.

Until then, Ali Khamenei must be held responsible.

RINJ Women in Syria, Iraq, and in Afghanistan are heading to France where a meeting with the Iranians is to be held, if they respond. Our sisters from Yemen are already in Tehran helping organize demonstrations and trying to do an accounting of who has been imprisoned and what if anything can be done to facilitate their release. At present on 9-27-2022, there are nearly 2,000 women detained by the Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) which has been threatening women and carrying out those threats according to our advanced recce team in Tehran.

@TheReaperTeam managers are currently discussing with our client the sending of a large team of sharpshooters into Iran to defend the women protesters in the streets and other public areas from overwatch positions plus teams of uniformed and non-uniformed guards on the ground mingled among protesters to break up any violent challenges to the women’s right to freedom of assembly and freedom of speech.

This is not a pitch for violence. We send uniformed women guards to work in women-run grocery stores, clothing stores and eateries. The guards help customers and protect against theft, shrinkage and in-store quarrels between customers as well as against people like oppressive morality police harassing customers and workers about what they wear. Our policing is non-violent. Our guards are ex-military with peacekeeper training and know their work. “If you think it is non-halal, don’t buy it. It’s that simple,” our guard might say. Or, “Please stay calm. Sorry you are discontent, please shop elsewhere.”

But when ISIS men and their confreres held girl-sex-slave-buying parties to sell kidnapped Yezidi or Nazarene girls at the al Warinth Hotel in Mosul, we mounted military style raids, one after another there and elsewhere, and killed or detained the rapists/slave traders (depending on their response) and smuggled the girls out of occupied Mosul to safety with their families in Nineveh, Duhok and Shingal, or elsewhere in the world, even the United States.

So yes, we can do whatever is necessary for the protection of our client.

The women of Iran at first, and now the women of the world, demand accountability and justice for the unexplained horrible death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini and the dozens of deaths, maybe now over 200 if the truth be told, of women protesters.

Ever since the targeted killing of Shireen Abu Aqleh, femicide has become a ‘thing’, a past time for evil men.

“How are feminists reacting to Ali Khamenei’s mass femicide—uncounted dozens of women killed over hijabs in ten days—a bloody state-sponsored murdering spree in Iran? “Well, it’s not just in Iran. Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and Israel are infected with these vermin.”

Feminist team with armed guards to Iran to overwatch sisters
Published: Mon, 26 Sep 2022 14:00:47

How are feminists reacting to Ali Khamenei’s mass femicide—four dozen women killed over hijabs in ten days—a bloody state-sponsored murdering spree in Iran? “Well, it’s not just in Iran. Iraq, Syria, Yemen, Lebanon and Israel are infected with these vermin … Read 

Video: It’s not just women in the streets protesting Mahsa Amini’s murder. This man decided to go and bash a protester in the head. Some neighbourhood males came to detain the assaultive male.

Revolutionary Guard (IRGC) on motorcycles attack women protesters.

Suspected hundreds of women killed in Iran demonstrations against femicide. Can only feminists stop femicide? asks Women NGO.

Ebrahim Raisi response to Iran-wide women protests is draconian

The Reaper Team has issued a warrant for the arrest of Ali Khamenei.

We now learn of his abuses of Filipino domestic workers and RSAC medical nurses in addition to his crimes against humanity of femicide.

Warrant for arrest of this guy for the killing of Mahsa Amini.